What is The Time Commitment? It takes 3-4 hours total to pull off an event. How many events do you want to hold?
How Fast Can I Make Money? This week! Let's get an event booked and publicized.

What Brand of Jeans? Varies, but we see brands that are featured in high end stores and boutiques, like Buckle, Nordstroms, and Macy's. Contact us to find out what brands are currently in inventory.
How Much Do The Jeans Cost? Our Prices range from $48-$88
What Is The Training like? We have Designer Denim 101, Event Marketing 101, Running the Event 101, and Opportunity overview. Live and/or recorded.
Will I Run Out of People to Host Events? Each event tends to generate a couple of new event bookings
What Does the Future Hold? Vault Denim is creating their own line of jeans including larger sizes. They have one of the top 5 designers in the WORLD making their jeans for them. His jeans biggest feature? An amazing fit!
Can I Get Others Involved? You can, and Vault Denim pays up to 7% on their sales and up to 5% on people they get involved. They have additional bonuses for builders too.
How Often Can I Hold Events? As often as you can get them scheduled, just check with scheduling to ensure an inventory is available.
What Do I Get When I Start? Access to Vault Denim inventories, 250 business cards, a company email address, training videos, marketing material templates, PowerPoint of the opportunity, etc....

The cost to become a Fashion Consultant with Vault Denim is...are you sitting down?
A $99 enrollment fee, and no monthly purchase requirements!

If you are ready to talk, contact me and I will tell you how!!

We will encourage you to book 2 events and earn money while learning to run denim events with your friends.

Be thinking of others that might appreciate this same opportunity and let's see if they might be a match for our business.